COMPANY: iCrossing New York
ROLE: Creative Direction
CHALLENGE: The challenge was to create online content that illustrated iCrossing's expertise and insight.
ROLE: Creative Direction
CHALLENGE: The challenge was to create online content that illustrated iCrossing's expertise and insight.
INSIGHT: Advancements in technology, specifically relating to the advertising, marketing, and communications spheres, move so quickly. By the time you discuss upcoming technology, it has already become obsolete. The best way to discuss what was coming up was to make a prediction about the future.
SOLUTION/CONCEPT: iCrossing employees showed off their industry knowledge by sharing what they believe is coming in the future. In this video series, we asked various iCrossing experts to answer the question, "What does the future of digital look like?" Their answers provided a pretty accurate view. Then, we needed to design the series to be visually engaging. I created all the artwork used in these animations, concepted the overall structure, developed the intro, signature, and end cards.
Shannon Truax, Senior Director of Social Strategy, iCrossing
Kendra Clarke, Associate Director of Data and Analytics, iCrossing
Pat Stern, Global Chief Creative Officer, iCrossing
Lori Shearer, Account Director, iCrossing
Irina Lapin, VP of Strategy and Planning, iCrossing
Dave Corchado, Chief Technology Officer, iCrossing
Christine Bensen, SVP Media, iCrossing
Chris Andrew, VP of Media, iCrossing
Brian Haven, Chief Strategy Officer, iCrossing