COMPANY: iCrossing New York
ROLE: Creative Direction (partnered with Lead Copywriter)
CHALLENGE: Avon believes that a world with more empowered women would be a more beautiful world. Since its founding in 1886, the company has empowered millions of women through earnings opportunities of selling beauty products. Today, Avon is looking to accelerate women’s progress by thinking about empowerment in a new way. But, how?
INSIGHT: The emotional foundation of empowerment is feeling free. To change the world into an equal society, we learned from young people who didn't yet understand that gender bias exists.
SOLUTION/CONCEPT: The younger generation is more hopeful, more free. Let's tap into their perspectives as an inspiration and model for a better future.
ROLE: Creative Direction (partnered with Lead Copywriter)
CHALLENGE: Avon believes that a world with more empowered women would be a more beautiful world. Since its founding in 1886, the company has empowered millions of women through earnings opportunities of selling beauty products. Today, Avon is looking to accelerate women’s progress by thinking about empowerment in a new way. But, how?
INSIGHT: The emotional foundation of empowerment is feeling free. To change the world into an equal society, we learned from young people who didn't yet understand that gender bias exists.
SOLUTION/CONCEPT: The younger generation is more hopeful, more free. Let's tap into their perspectives as an inspiration and model for a better future.

We were looking for 25 children, equally mixed male and female, ages three to six years. All children needed to be inquisitive, expressive, engaging, and communicative. We were casting for both introverts and extroverts who would be curious, opinionated expressive, playful, and friendly.

The film's location needed to convey the adventure and imagination of childhood—it needed to feel intimate, happy, and bright. The production was set to be shot in the UK.