COMPANY: Superfly
ROLE: Creative Team Member
CHALLENGE: To create a fully immersive experience celebrating the iconic artist’s life and legacy.
SOLUTION/CONCEPT: As a member of the creative team, I worked with Superfly and the Prince estate to create a fully-immersive, one-of-a-kind experience designed to guide visitors through his life, inspiration, career, and legacy. During six weeks, the creative team parsed through Prince's extensive library of information and imagery to compose the exhibit framework and narrative for the 20,000-square-foot exhibition space. 
While designing the space, we had to consider the following: 
1.  Throughout his career, Prince repeatedly transformed his sound and aesthetic. It was necessary to represent all creative periods throughout the exhibition space. 
2.  Since the experience was intended to be a traveling exhibition, we had to frame the graphics and information in a flexible way that would easily adapt to different physical spaces. 
Room 1: Lobby
Room 1: Lobby
Room 18: Atrium
Room 18: Atrium
Room 4: When Doves Cry
Room 4: When Doves Cry
Room 6: Studio A
Room 6: Studio A
Room 6: Studio A
Room 6: Studio A
Room 14: AV Room
Room 14: AV Room
Room 5: Beautiful Ones
Room 5: Beautiful Ones
Room 5: Beautiful Ones
Room 5: Beautiful Ones
Room 5: Beautiful Ones
Room 5: Beautiful Ones
Room 17: Thank You Hall
Room 17: Thank You Hall
Room 11: Purple Rain
Room 11: Purple Rain
Room 11: Purple Rain
Room 11: Purple Rain
Room 7: Record Hall
Room 7: Record Hall
Room 14: AV Room
Room 14: AV Room
Room 15: Performance Collage Hall
Room 15: Performance Collage Hall
Room 15: Performance Collage Hall
Room 15: Performance Collage Hall
There were 19 unique spaces to include in the exhibit space. 
View these spaces below.
The experience's aesthetic followed these branding guidelines: 
"The exhibition goes beyond exploring the magnitude of Prince’s astounding musical prowess but also emphasizes other crucial facets of his life." 

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